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5 years ago
Steve Portell
5 years ago
Hey I’m Steve Portell and I released my new song „what the fuck is EDM“ 🎹 check out my channel and vote for my song if you like it 🙂 Thank you!! 🙃
5 years ago
yo yvng, really feeling this groove, catchy with great flow and enough going on to keep my entertained for the whole song, if you keep going like this you’ll definitely be on spinning’s releases soon my dude!! keep up the good work, hope to hear more from you, leaving a vote !! Hit me up on SC/IG if you ever wanna chat or something or trade feedback ! If you got a sec, could you check out my last song, “astrobits” its an 8bit/prog house mix could use some feedback from someone like you, and vote if you like :) ? Appreciate you!
5 years ago
Super job! 👍 Great sound project! 👍 Congrats..,! I VOTED FOR YOU, If you vote on my track-"PARA TE AMAR" i give you suport on Soundcloud and Youtube. Follow me on Twitter: @lusitany and Soundcloud. I accept followers / friends on facebook typing: Nelo Costa (Lusitany) Thank you in advance if you share my music. ☀️👍,. for your comments and likes on Soundcloud and Youtube... If you like, subscribe to my youtube channel, with bell activation, to know when my new songs and videos come out. Good luck!
Michael Varriet
5 years ago
I really liked this topic friend! Keep trying and working hard, in the end you will see the reward. Voted 100% !!! Listen to my song: hitting. And vote, I would greatly appreciate it.................................. Let's support together! LONG LIVE THE ELECTRONIC MUSIC! follow me on youtube and subscribe to my channel..................
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