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Rj Swapnil
6 years ago
Hey 8TILLATE I Listen to Your Whole Track And I Fell Awesome Bro, Now I Need Your Valuable FEEDBACK & VOTE For My EDM Track " THE ANOTHER GRAND". I Mix Some Part Of This By Launchpad, Hope You Like This.
6 years ago
Voted! 🔥 Awesome track!😍 Can you Voted for my track Rasengan too? 🥰
6 years ago
Hi, nice track! Listen to my track and tell me what you think?
6 years ago
Hello Friend how are you? Great track good work. Mate i gave you my vote Good luck in your ranking .👍 If you have a moment, I would appreciate it if you would review my latest track "Lost On The Dance Floor" Let me know what you think with a comment or a vote🙏🏼
6 years ago
yo 8tilllate, finished listening to your new song, solid work my dude, i feel like the groove was very solid throughout, great pulse. and your main groove was catchy af, keep up the grind dude, love to hear what you do next, leaving you a vote, good luck! Let me know if you ever need feedback or anything, just hit me up on my SC. If you got time, can you check out my last track, “find yourself” its a 8-bit/house mix influenced by an Avicii song (can you guess which song? ill follow you on SC if you get it right :D!) - let me know what you think and leave a vote please!
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