This also the best track that I've produce I hope u like it! tadaaaaaaaaa! :)
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9 years ago
Good job on this one mate. Needs a little work on some transitions and mixing & mastering but there's potential. Keep working on it and keep getting better, you've got my vote. Check out my track Force and give it a vote too, I'd appreciate it. Good luck!
The Sables
9 years ago
Voted in return! Join The Sables - "In Trance", party people, the best song of this contest, no-brainer! Nevermind TOP 5 bullshit!
Max Madd
9 years ago
Nice track A-Tracklife, I voted! It will only take a second to like my facebook page.
facebook : maxmaddmusic
The Jitra Dude
9 years ago
I vote
The Jitra Dude
9 years ago
Listen my new contest track dubai in my contest part and vote...