Highest rank 64

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7 years ago
I could see using this at a festival once I get signed by Spinnin' but I can only get there if you vote for my track "In Da Club".Also if you want hmu on SoundCloud and let's talk business, because together we can crush the talent pool! Really bro vote for me I want Spinnin' to see it..
7 years ago
I like EDM music and Muza is awesome!! I hope you should be soon in the top 10! I voted:) Please vote for my track "Abduction!" thanks:3
7 years ago
WOOOOOW ADON SHOKO this is an amazing song I VOTE FOR YOU PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT BACK my new remix " VINAI - Parade" PLEASEEEEE Thanks I would really appreciate
Peter Pinehiller
7 years ago
🔛Voted! Vote back my BETTER KNOW YOUR LOVE! over 55,1k soundcloud plays! my another track TOGETHER ! Now over 83,1k soundcloud plays!oo
7 years ago
Amazing track man! Can't wait to hear it all! I really feel like you have made something special here. Voted! While I think you can still improve, you've really made something unique here. In a genre that's kind of stale right now, I could easily see your style shaking things up. I hope the Spinnin talent managers see this, because I think it will really make an impact if it were to be published. Keep it up fam! If you could check out my latest track Admiral, I would really appreciate it! Thanks man, and keep grinding! PLEASE VOTE FOR MY NEY TRCK BEAUTIFUL MESS ,k
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