This is my new track guys!! I was so inspired making this one:D I hope you like it!!
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Rose Dawn
7 years ago
Love the old school progressive vibe you have going with this track! Would really appreciate if you checked out my brand new track, "Believe Me" and vote if you enjoy!
7 years ago
Great Job!
Supported &voted.
Please vote back on my new track "Recess"
Thanks and good luck.
11 Carats
7 years ago
Nice. You Have My Vote.
7 years ago
Hey man, loved your track as it was unique and sounded extremely professsional. I will definitely be voting for this!
The only thing i can say to improve on is to try and make your kick stand out more in the mix as its a little bit to quiet but other than that, great track!
I was also wondering if you could check out my new track called Waves and maybe vote for it as it would be a huge help, Thanks!
Max Madd
7 years ago
Hey Adrian, I voted! Take a second to follow my Soundcloud : maxmaddmusic
Good luck!