Hey Guys! Vote for me if you like my remix!

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7 years ago
Alle None
7 years ago
Nice remix voted for you !! Please listen to my remix: Bob sinclar & akon - til the sun rise up (Alle None Remix ) and vote back :-)
James Holland
7 years ago
Hi there! I like your track, and I've left a vote behind. Could you also help me out by voting back for my latest remix of "Feel Good"? I'd appreciate it very much, thank you.
7 years ago
Hi! Your remix is gooood! Voted! Best wishes! (You can check out mine R3MIX of Bob Sinclar ft. Akon - Til The Sun Rise Up made for contest, and leave a vote of course)
7 years ago
Voted! Could you check ''Bob Sinclar Feat. Akon - Til The Sun Rise Up (Triangle Remix)''? Thanks!
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