Just a brand new tune, enjoy it ;) http://www.facebook.com/aestyofficial http://www.soundcloud.com/aesty http://www.instagram.com/djaesty http://www.twitter.com/djaesty
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Edward W11
8 years ago
Amazing Track! Very Hight qality! Voted and Supported! Plz if u have time check my track "JUST HAPPY DAY" and maybe vote if u want;) Your vote would means a lot! TY
Peter Pinehiller
8 years ago
xxvoted!thank you! vote my PLEASURE! Follow SPOTIFY PETER PINEHILLER PLEASURE!(now over 78800 streams) my new PLEASURE!also iTunes,deezer,beatport,amazonmusic etc etc etc new GIVE ME MORE
8 years ago
nice song and good vibe voted , plz vote to my track "GO HARD" and "Summer time" I need it rll
Ahad Khan
8 years ago
Awesome track Voted! Please vote back my track "Mindless"
December 85
8 years ago
Could u check out my contest remix Snavs?
Good luck;)