Facebook: www.facebook.com/austrianhousemafia Aless Sandro: www.facebook.com/austrianhousemusic/ Spinnin' Records: www.spinninrecords.com/profile/alesssandro Instagramm: www.instagram.com/austrianhousemafia/ Soundcloud: @austrianhousemafia Aless Sandro Soundcloud: @aless-sandro-1 Austrian House Mafia, 2016

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Tharun Cruise
8 years ago
Hey i have listened to your song it's very good. Keep it up. Hope you carry on keeping good songs with good beats like this. You deserve this vote :). Can you please give me a moment to listen my song Crossfade and vote it if it deserves and please give me suggestions if any? Thank you so much appreciate it.
8 years ago
Voted Please,vote my remix "Alan Walker-Faded"
8 years ago
NICE TRACK.. Those who vote me I will vote them back.. Thank you.
8 years ago
Hey AlessSandro, Cool track, good vibe, you have my Vote! Please vote back for my track "Bungee Jump", thanks!!!
8 years ago
Love your vocal and drop .Keep it up! My friend,can you vote my track "Fifteen" ? I will vote your back! dont worryyy friend :) You have my voted and dont forget to mention me!
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