Facebook: www.facebook.com/austrianhousemafia Aless Sandro: www.facebook.com/austrianhousemusic/ Spinnin' Records: www.spinninrecords.com/profile/alesssandro Instagramm: www.instagram.com/austrianhousemafia/ Soundcloud: @austrianhousemafia Aless Sandro Soundcloud: @aless-sandro-1 Austrian House Mafia, 2016
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8 years ago
Good track!!! voted!
It would be great if you vote my track to!
8 years ago
Voted !! Could you vote for my track "Kacique" ? Thanks :)
8 years ago
Hey AlessSandro, Cool track, good vibe, you have my Vote! Please vote back for my track "Bungee Jump", thanks!!!
8 years ago
I was 3rd in the Good life remix contest, now I'm in the 400 :(
Please let me get back up a little again, Ill vote back!!
Popov Stas
8 years ago
Bro ;) it's cool track ! VOTED&SUPPORTED. Let us support each other in this hard life and please if not difficult vote my latest track fot the contest "Oliver Heldens ft. Ida Corr - Good Life my VIP remix" thanks bro ;)