Hi guys, here left a small track called "COCO PALM TREE", please let me your comment and support me by subscribe, thank you and enjoy it Hola chicos, aqui os dejo este pequeño track llamado "COCO PALM TREE", por favor dejadme vuestro comentarios y apoyarme siguiendome en mis redes sociales, gracias y disfrutar

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DvrkVce & Lady EM
6 years ago
Wow, great job!!! Love this sound!! Good vibes! of course you have our vote!! :) please vote back our last track "Feel"! Thank you and good luck!
Chelle Martin
6 years ago
Great tropical feel here, Nice track, nicely done mate. Voted! Please take the time to listen and vote for my track as well, Thank you kindly.
6 years ago
Hey Alewar, I really like your work! If you wanna have personal feedback on your songs... leave me a follow on SoundColud. Write a PM and I will reply ASAP. Wish you all the best! OLB
6 years ago
yo alewar, I like your new track, keep it up, i really like this sound for you, those beats are fire dude, really feeling that groove, just had left you a vote bro!! If you got a sec, check out my new collaboration album that just started, check out the final track “Fade away” its a future bass bangerrrr !!
Peter Pinehiller
6 years ago
Voted!vote back my NEVER LETTING GO! Thanks!å
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