peter fait pipi
Highest rank 700


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Technjx Official
4 years ago
Hey!!! I just finished listening to your track and all I can say is that it is really good. There are some elements in here where I can hear your are working on developing your own sound. Keep heading in that direction, you definitely have my vote! I hope you can take the time and vote back for my new song "Riot!"and leave me some feedback and a heart/like; it would be greatly appreciated. If you ever need support in the future with a vote, follow me on SoundCloud and message me. I will follow back for support. You can also send me some of your work through SoundCloud and I will take a listen to it and provide you with some feedback or comments. It may take some time because I get a lot of music sent to me but I will get back to you. Look forward to talking to you soon.. Technjx..............
4 years ago
Hi good track and good work I voted , please listen and vote for my new track SB-Imitation
Ruben Savir
4 years ago
Voted... Please check out my track "Heart Of Dehli". Your support is greatly appreciated.
4 years ago
Hey, not a bad job, cool. I voted for your track, I will be happy if you vote for my track.... Bro, voted please my last track "Save Me". Thanks.
4 years ago
Good Track! You have my VOTE! I can feel your desire of monetizing your song, and hope to be happened very soon! Please, listen to my latest track called 'Bad Bitch' Cheers, See you again:D
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