Hope you like my new track :-)
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5 years ago
Hello AMIX 99 I liked your new track, I hope you also liked my new creation From the sky (Original mix), I wish you the best.
Alex Tolpa & Gnatya
5 years ago
Hi 👋😄 I voted for you 📢 I am also a producer and I understand how hard it is to make your work heard so I will support you and in any case I vote for your track😉 I hope for your feedback and your support !!!🙏🙏🙏 This is so important for us to know your opinion, come to us, we will be glad to see you😀good luck and great success in musical creativity🥳))
5 years ago
hi there :)...
I checked your track and vote for it,got my support!:) ... would u be so nice and check out my new Track >> DONT NEED YOU! (BADHOUSEMUSIC) <<< and set your vote & comment ?
it would be great to have your support!
THX a lot! .
Tom Karlek
5 years ago
Cool !!! Voted !!
Can listen to my new track "Crystal Lake" and if you like vote on it too ?
Thanks !!!
5 years ago
Amazing track! Awesome style sound! 👍👍 Excellent! good energy!
I VOTED FOR YOU, If you vote on my NEW track-"PARA TE AMAR" i give you suport on Soundcloud and Youtube.
Follow me on Twitter: @lusitany and Soundcloud.
I accept followers / friends on facebook typing: Nelo Costa (Lusitany)
Thank you in advance if you share my music☀️👍,. for your comments and likes on Soundcloud and Youtube...
If you want, subscribe to my youtube channel to see when my new songs and videos come out.
Good luck!