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7 years ago
I liked your track, I like the melody, you have very good ability to create music, congratulations, vote for my song called dance!
Dante Davis
7 years ago
fireee I like what I hear. You have my vote. Maybe vote on my latest track too? Check it out I won't disappoint you.
7 years ago
Good Job!!! You have my vote!! Check my track andGood Job!! yeah vote back!! I visited to ur soundcloud
the Voyager
7 years ago
Hey man, you have a really good foundation here, I think you're doing exactly what you need to be doing and are doing a good job at it. I'm voting for your track and I think you should continue to do what you're doing and always continue to learn more techniques to implement into your art. You have a good thing going so continue to roll with it and never give up. Believe me, I know how time can be precious, but if you could please just take a minute out of your day to give a listen to my remix of RL Grime's 'I Wanna Know' I would greatly appreciate it. Any time you want to get some feedback, or just want to talk and say "Hi", please drop me a line on SoundCloud or Facebook. I'm all for helping out other producers and making connections with them. We're in this together; we all have our own journey, or as I like to call mine...a Voyage. Good luck with the Talent Pool, I hope you get where you want to be; and I'm sure you will if you just keep at it. Thanks and have a great day! theVoyager
7 years ago
Your music sounds perfect, its a nice track, I voted for it ! Please, i hope u to check out my new track “Blitzkrieg” and vote it back, and also give me some feedback, if u dont mind. Follow me on soundcloud and ill follow u back Thanks and good luck
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