Hey Guys, AndriK here, ,my new track is out now, Renaissence has a lot of work and ambition, a lot of musical work, violin lines recorded by me, feelings and hope describe this track from start to finish, hope you like it :D https://twitter.com/AndriKK4z4 https://soundcloud.com/kevin-andre-zerrate-arias
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8 years ago
I VOTED FOR YOU, CAN YOU VOTE BACK ON MY NEW SONG CALLED "4L0N3"? Thank you anyways and good luck :)
8 years ago
i already voted for you dude xD, thanks and good luck :)
8 years ago
amazing track friend voted you could vote for my new track thanks
8 years ago
Hi dude, nice track voted! ^^
I wish you good luck
Can you please vote back on my track "Hope" ?
Thanks and have a good day :)
Erick Rivellino
8 years ago
HI man, just checking your tune.. cool melody here! also a very good arrangement.. nice job congrats! :) you definitely have my VOTE!!!
Would mean a lot if you could check out and vote back for my track "I Believe in You". Thanks, and good luck! ;)
8 years ago
vote for vote? if you help me out by voting for my new track "caveman" i will vote for your track in return!!