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6 years ago
I am sorry that this is a copied and pasted comment but I don't really have enough time to ask everyone for their vote ): I just wanted to tell you that I checked out your track and I voted for it!!!!! Would you do the same for me please? I have a remix on my profile that I would like for to win. Could you vote it please if you like it? And also if possible please give your honest feedback on it if you have the time? Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck!!! Lets make the world a great place with our music!!!! Cheers!!!!!!!! 🍻 🍻 🍻 🍻
6 years ago
Happy melody, great and unique! :) Please check out my remix, Still In Love Like if you like it! :)
6 years ago
Hi ANJU, I heard your Remix and I had to leave some positive feedback!! I like the sounds you used making the break, it creates this interesting atmosphere that atracts the listeners!! The overall mixing and mastering is great!!, hit me up on my soundcloud cause I think we have a similar style!!!! It would mean the world if you could check out my remix on TUJAMO'S Track on my profile!! Let me know what you think and comment down below that you've voted so that I can vote back! Thank you!
Mike Harrison
6 years ago
Hi ANJU ! Just listened your remix and must admit that your work is really great, I really love it ! Voted for you ! You can vote for my remix by checking it on my profile ! Thanks !
Dante Davis
6 years ago
fireee I like what I hear. You have my vote. Maybe vote on my latest remix too? Check it out I won't disappoint you.