check out my track "Bullet" ! :)

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6 years ago
Great Track Brother, There is no way for me to go without voting this track as it seems wonderful. Love all the elements of this song and hope you would release such incredible tracks in the future as well. Btw I released my new track called "Spark" recently and I hope to see it move further as I love this track very much. I know that you will definitely vote my track and show it some love. If you need any help on regarding music production or want any collaboration don't hesitate to DM on Instagram and Soundcloud. Good Day bro and hope to see you soon.
Peter Pinehiller
6 years ago
Voted!vote back my NEVER LETTING GO! Thanks!qw
6 years ago
Hello ANXIOUS I like your music, I vote the most, welcome my social and professional network. You have my vote to reach the top. We know how spinnin we are, we are all producers and we are looking for success, can I count on your vote ??? If you give me my head, too. This is my new release * GIRL DANCE DANCE, listen and voat ai ... Thanks and Hugs
6 years ago
Amazing song! Vote for vote?????
Max Madd
6 years ago
Hey Anxious, I voted for you ! Take a second to follow my Instagram 📲 and Soundcloud 📡: @maxmaddmusic Good luck in the charts !
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