music remix for "GOOD DAY" by Ardhy Saputro soundcloud : https://instagram/ardhysaputro instagram : @Ardhysaputromusic DIRECTED BY ARDHY SAPUTRO The music and the background in the following video are not free to use, if you'd like to use the music in this video, please contact the artist. WARNING: These videos may cause people with photosensitive epilepsy to convulse in seizures. Viewer discretion is advised.
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8 years ago
Hey. How are you?
This is so incredible track.
I really like this one.
You have my vote and support for sure.
Can you please take a few minutes and check out my latest track 'FLIGHT' and vote back if you like it. I'd appreciate it a lot.
Thank you so much. Wish you all the best.
Have a great and successful day.🙏😊🙏
8 years ago
Awesome track man!! You're definitely on your way to becoming a great producer!! It has my vote!
It would be AMAZING if you could check out my demo contest entry and maybe give it a vote too!!! :)))
8 years ago
Hi there Ardhy Saputro!
Let me tell you I absolutely liked your track. In fact, I VOTED for it! Could you please vote for me too? After all, this game is about supporting each other!
Please check my latest track “BLAZE UP” in my profile and vote! Thanks in advance!
Max Madd
8 years ago
Hey Ardhy, I voted! Take a second to like my Facebook : maxmaddmusic
Good luck!
8 years ago
nice track! voted! please check my latest track and vote for if u like it. thanks for support and good luck