Be who you are
Highest rank 43
03:08 : FB : INSTAGRAM SOUNDCLOUD (Any problems with sound are cause of fl studio 12 ) ENJOY !!!

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7 years ago
HELLO ARGI, GREATWORK!!..GOOD TUNE,ITS PRETTY NICE THAT THIS SHOULD BE ON TOP,..I HOPE MY VOTE COULD HELP.., PUSH IT UP!!..I VOTED YOU BRO,.. may i lend you a single minute to check my track " ALgoRHYTHMZ - Sub-Merged ".,and ALSO could i REPOST this track on my SOUNDCLOUD? its nice to have like this..just message me ..thanks bro,,,,see you there.
you probably like what we want people to hear your music) Let's help each other? I voted for you) I hope for feedback be sure I voted for you and listened to your track you were heard good luck bro)))
Peter Pinehiller
7 years ago
voted! vote back my TIME TO TAKE CONTROL! thanks! now over 22.2k soundcloud plays!follow my spotify! ok?q
7 years ago
Sounds very cool, relaxing track :D Congrats mate, nice work!
7 years ago
Loved the track bro...VOTED and Followed
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