Nothing On Us
The Him, remix by: Asher Cole
This is my remix of The Him - Nothing On Us. Thank you to anyone who took the time to listen to my track, I appreciate it.
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6 years ago
Hi KAI COLEMAN! I've listened to your track, I like it voted, I'd appreciate it if you can listen to my remix Nothing on us, and if you like to support me. Good luck! Follow me at Soundcloud.
6 years ago
Hello Brother.
First of all, okay?
Vote on your music, excellent production and repercussion.
I'm following you!.
Could you do the same kindness?
I just released a new demo * Discovery *, I ask for your vote, listen, it's okay, and if you can follow me and leave a message, thank you.
Success and embrace ..
Nils Sifrin
6 years ago
Awesome work bro! Voted. Feel free to check my newest song „Haunted “ and give some feedback. I would love to get a vote by you as well! Best wishes from Germany! If you want to follow me here and/or on Soundcloud, YouTube & Spotify, I follow back for sure!
6 years ago
Cool track man! You got my vote! :D Hope you like mine and vote back :)))))))))
6 years ago
Shame you didn't get far with this remix. but i wish you luck next time my man
You have my full support and votes anytime you need them, just hit me up.
I'd be willing to help out
With that said, i do hope you can vote back on my latest track 'Domain' and leave some feedback. It would mean a lot