Is there a killer on the loose? Yes! but only inside this track, fortunately... ;-) This track is a "proof of concept" for a side project, in which the procedures, techniques and tools were documented and publicly known. That would let people have access to more knowledge in order to free their own creativity and potential in any genre, offer learning opportunities without cost, and carry Free/Open Source principles to the realm of music production.
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9 years ago
Voted!! Please vote back for our Live for the Drop remix!!!!!!!!!
9 years ago
Asymmetric D
9 years ago
Thanksssssssss! :-D
9 years ago
Nice track!
Vote back my remix of Ahzee - Make A Wish!i
Asymmetric D
9 years ago
Voted back gladly!
Julyan Jerome
9 years ago
Please support me back by listening to my latest track ´Sentinels´ (My Profile> Tracks> Sentinels) and maybe even let me know what you think about it. That will help me a lot for my next project.
Thank you!
Asymmetric D
9 years ago
I already voted and commented on that track before...
9 years ago
voted for u , may U could verify ,plz listen my new track CITY DANCE on my profile :D .THNX DUDE, btw Nice Music :D , really nice :)
I <3 ur Track dude :D