Contacto: Email Móvil +34 689 514 832 Oficina +34 959 533 442 Biografía. Nacido en Huelva y Afincado entre Andalucía y Baleares, es un productor musical, Ejecutivo discográfico, artista, músico, compositor, Dj, show-man y productor discográfico. Bakman X produce una variedad de estilos dentro de los géneros de la música electrónica. Es conocido por hacer sus sesiones usando una máscara en forma de calabaza diabólica. Esta máscara, es interactiva a
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Peter Pinehiller
6 years ago
Voted! Vote back my new deep house track I WON'T BE THERE ! Thanks!xx
6 years ago
Amazing track ! Keep up the good work ! Voted ! Check out my tracks Try It Feel It Enjoy It and let me know what you think with a comment or a vote !
6 years ago
Hey. I hope you can vote for my new Remix of "Dynoro, Ina Wroldsen - Obsessed"! :D
Thank you for your big support :)
Ite Sma
6 years ago
Hey, nice track, I voted for you!!
I'm not gonna lie I'm here to promote a bit of my stuff too, could you vote for my new track "Daanger" plz? I wouldn't put this message if I didn't like your track in the first place so keep up the good work!! =)
We can support each other, follow me on soundcloud and I'll follow you back!
Michael Bravo
6 years ago
Really amazing track , I loved this style . Good solid synths in the drop ! Voted ! It would be cool if you could listen my remix of Calvin Harris - I'm Not Alone, give feedback and vote if you liked