A deep tech with some South African elements, A very distinct sound of mine

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5 years ago
Banele this is amazing! amazing melodies and chords. I liked the mix, it's sounds very clean and also great sound design bro, keep great work! Also, could you give some support to my latest track Fly Away, thanks!
5 years ago
Aye this Track is so Awesome !!!!!! !🔥! I Voted for you Bro :) !!!!!! 🔥! I am a 12 year Old Producer/ DJ From Germany !!! 🔥 Lets Support each other and you also vote for my new Track " Way To You " 🔥! Stay Home and Stay Safe Bro :-)!! !!!!! !!🔥
Bast Maro
5 years ago
Hi, Great work, nice track. Please check my last track "Follow Me". Thanks
5 years ago
hi there :)... I checked your track and vote for it,got my support!:) Would u be so nice and check out my new Track >> DONT NEED YOU! (BADHOUSEMUSIC) << and set your vote & comment ? it would be great to have your suppport. .
Xenotribe Music
5 years ago
Hey BAnele, Amazing track Dude! I listened to a part of your song and It's insane!. Overall the background (Pad) and the Lead sound perfect. I believe that gives an emotional and thrilling sensation to the whole song. I also really like the arp. You definitely have my vote! I really like this! Great job! Good luck on the charts! I would like that you take a couple of minutes and check my latest Indian & KSHMR style REMIX of your famous "Coffin Meme guys song (Astronomia)" and give a vote or maybe give me your appreciate the feedback. Keep making this kind of song! Maybe if you want to we can collab 1 time on a song too. I'd love that! All the best friend.
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