We are Bass Monks!!! We are from India (Mumbai)

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Miguel Hernandrop
10 years ago
nice track, good work, you have my vote bro. If you have a few minutes you could hear my track and give me your vote if you like. Thanks and good luck friend https://spinninrecords.com/talentpool/hernandrop/track/details/1516
10 years ago
VOTE me back and please FOLLOW me...then comment on my track...i will sure FOLLOW you back...because number of FOLLOWERS has huge impact on number of rankings..you will not be disapointed :https://spinninrecords.com/talentpool/coyot3/track/details/15324
10 years ago
Hi, Nice Work,I really like the vibe and the energy, VOTED, Please help me by voting for my remix. Thank you for your time.https://spinninrecords.com/talentpool/thorez/track/details/15235 If someone votes for my remix, leave a comment on my remix to say that you did and i will vote back
10 years ago
Great track! Good job! You have my vote (really)! Continue working to produce better and better! ;D This is my remix,please vote for me back if you like my track: https://spinninrecords.com/talentpool/jzolix/track/details/10897 Thanks for support and good luck! ;D
10 years ago
Good work!!VOTE,FOLLOW & SUPPORT! Please Follow & Vote back https://spinninrecords.com/talentpool/miltreo/track/details/21214
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