Highest rank 77

If you like thanks for your help with like. It is a melody with a lot of energy. listen in soundcloud

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Erick Rivellino
9 years ago
I read your comment bro, and i'm checking your last track as you asked... Think you did a nice job, i like the melody and the track sounds good! cool tune congrats, I VOTED for you! (just check my list) But are you sure you voted??? my track is not in your list.. if you could VOTE BACK for real It would be very important for me.. it's JUST ONE CLICK bro.. Let me know if you do it, thanks! ;) My track ---> “DISCO (Play that funky house)”
9 years ago
Awesome track! Voted! Please vote back for my track "Tornado (Original Mix)".
Broken Mirror
9 years ago
Voted do you mind droping a vote on mine too
9 years ago
awesome track man. You have our support. Hey other people stop by Us And say hello would love your support with comments or votes, be fantastic
9 years ago
Voted! Please support me back by listening to my latest track ´Time´ (My Profile> Tracks> Time) and maybe even let me know what you think about it, I am here for feedback. Thank you!
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