Trance Time! We hope you like this one, if you do then don't forget to leave a vote and comment below we'll return the favour.
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7 years ago
Greetings!!! My name is Fr3aKy-J and i listened your track and im here to give you my personal opinion about it.
1º You made a very good job about the rythym... Its fantastic
2º The main melody is very cool, makes me wanna dance :D
You just need to get better on timing because the rest is FANTASTIC...
Anyway you got my vote on this one...
In exchange, I only ask for your Vote and your comment (The comment is optional) In My New Track "Tabuk" :)
Thank You And Good Luck In The Future!!
DvrkVce & Lady EM
7 years ago
Cool track! Good work!
Good vibes! Amazing sound!
You have our vote and full support!!
Please, Vote back our last track "Burn"
Thank You so much and good luck!!
7 years ago
Voted!! Dope track, think you could vote for my track “Awake”?
7 years ago
Great remix voted !
Please could you listen and vote my last track called "Vikings"??
Thanks a lot and good luck
7 years ago
Nice track BAWSE! !!I can feel the trance sounds!!! Keep going! Voted!! Please vote back and give me your feedback for my new track "Trobi & Kibrands - FTT" I'll vote 2!! Thanks!