Don't spend time justifying yourself, just be yourself. Maybe you will then find life, too. Live for love. Live for you.

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Jay Anderson
4 years ago
Good song, voted!
4 years ago
Joel Avalo
4 years ago
Hey! I voted for your track. I hope you could do the same and vote back on my track "Survival" Thanks. Good luck.❤ peace and love :D follow me on instagram :D find me on Youtube: Joel Avalo ,
4 years ago
Super job! 👍 Great sound project! 👍 Congrats..,! I VOTED FOR YOU, If you vote on my track-"TRUE LOVE" i give you suport on Soundcloud and Youtube. If you follow me on Soundcloud and Instagram, I will follow you too. I accept followers / friends on facebook typing: Nelo Costa (Lusitany) Thank you in advance if you share my music. ☀️👍,. for your comments and likes on Soundcloud and Youtube... If you like, subscribe to my youtube channel, with bell activation, to know when my new songs and videos come out. Good luck!
4 years ago
Love the vibes on this track! You have a cool sound! ❤️ I gave you my vote! Will you please take a moment to listen to and support my latest track "One More Round"? I would really appreciate it! 🙏 Check out my Soundcloud if you would like to hear more of what I do. 😊 Thanks and good luck with your track!
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