Devlin - projeto 51
Highest rank 250

Roni ferreira Brasil

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7 years ago
♪♪ Awesome track man, great melodies and sound quality :) You have my vote, if you want check out my track Wired and vote for me too illi
7 years ago
Hi, Nice Start, Good Track. Voted. Can you Please check my INDIAN DROP and vote Please.
7 years ago
Love you track ! voted 100% ! could you please vote back for my remix(FEEL GOOD) and give me a serious feedback ! thanks and good luck mate !!!
7 years ago
Love you track ! voted 100% !!! could you please vote back for my remix(FEEL GOOD) and give me a serious feedback ! thanks and good luck mate !!!
Hi, nice track! Absolutely you got my vote, great melody and unique! Good job with the sounds, everything goes very well with each other. What's your SoundCloud? I can help you by reposting it! Please, could you also support me by voting on my last track "Til The Sun Rise Up (Remix)". Keep It Up, Bro
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