Ludovico Einaudi - Circles (brnts remix)
Highest rank 258

15 Year Old Artist Adelaide, South Australia

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8 years ago
Great job! You've got my vote!! I'm sure that you will go far. I'll see you in the top 100 If you could check out my latest track WAR PAINT that would be really appreciated. Best wishes for the future. LISTØN
Tunahan Turan
8 years ago
Good job relaxing! Those who listened and enjoyed my brand new track "Scamper", I'd really appreciate if you vote it!
8 years ago
Hey BRNTS, first of all - love the original, nice song choice! Cool fresh sounding remix, nice new twist you added to the original track, good vibe, You have my Vote! Please vote back and comment on my track "Bungee Jump", thanks!!!
8 years ago
Hey I really like your remix.... Just like lean on... Voted!! & plz vote.2 my new track 'Paradise
8 years ago
Awesome Track Bro VOTED Plz Vote for my track FATALITY
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