Blame Remix Bruno Elias
Highest rank 158

My remix of the song Blame-

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8 years ago
Awesome track bro VOTED plz vote for track FATALITY & HEAVEN
8 years ago
please vote my new track! I have voted for you! :)
Alex Ghost
8 years ago
Really good work, voted. Can you check out my remix of Cant fight it and vote back if you like ? Thank you
Nick Shout & Chust
8 years ago
Great track man! I Voted for your track! Would mean a lot if you would check out my track GOAT! goodluck with your journey! Nick Shout & Chust
8 years ago
Great job! You've got my vote!! I'm sure that you will go far. I'll see you in the top 100. If you could check out my latest track WAR PAINT that would be really appreciated. Best wishes for the future. LISTØN
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