My last release for this Halloween. Enjoy!
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7 years ago
Amazing bro! Nice one! Voted!
Also please vote for my "EDX - We Can't Give Up" remix, i'm sure you'll like it, waiting for your vote <3
7 years ago
cool track!cool style!AWESOME!voted!pls vote and comment back!Good Luck,Man!
7 years ago
excellent work dude !!! cool track !!! good mix !!! you got our vote !!! please vote back our last track " Tell me " !!! keep going !!!
Peter Pinehiller
7 years ago
Voted!vote back my Dark Hair Girl!thanks! The King! Balls!v
Hossein mh
7 years ago
So beautiful. i voted for you, please vote for me, vote for a trip from east to west, thankful...