We all need sleep, but when there is such a great party with good music: we don't need No Sleep and this is the name of my new track. Some nice vocals with powerful chords combined with some element that's got the right energy building up to a massive drop with even more chords and catchy vocal chops! Hopefully you enjoy my new song people and don't forget to vote in the Spinnin' Records Talent Pool!
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8 years ago
Nice one Brutale! Make sure you check out my new track Wild!
8 years ago
Hey Brutale, Cool fresh sounding track, nice chord progression, catchy vocals, great job on the vocal chops, good vibe, You have my Vote! Please vote back and comment on my track "Bungee Jump", thanks!!!
Angelo Pic
8 years ago
Nice work!!!
Total support !!!!!
Can you help me with one vote for my new track Twister!
Thank you
I wish you the very best !!!!
Good luck
8 years ago
great track man
you have my vote
vote for my track The one
Thanks :D
Hassan Javed
8 years ago
Good track bro my vote is with if you get free time check out my new track wild lion - party and vote/comment for it if it deserves...Thanks