Puedes comprarla en iTunes & Spotify en: ITunes https://itun.es/mx/9M5z_ Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/65xajwOsPeS2jnPcOZ8SDi

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Séthi 1er
7 years ago
HELLo bryan ...Good track , honnestly , i need some votes like you , better to help each other , i decided to vote you & follow you .if you want you can listen & vote my track back at ( séthi 1er feat vanny jordan - sexy move )thks in advance & good luck
Peter Pinehiller
7 years ago
xxvoted! vote back my PLEASURE!! over 108k SPOTIFY plays!!!another track TIME TO TAKE CONTROL!(contest) thanks! now over 34,5k soundcloud plays!follow my spotify! ok?
Young Kings
7 years ago
Dude good track im wating your vote
7 years ago
HELLO BRYAN, GREATWORK!!..GOOD TUNE,ITS PRETTY NICE THAT THIS SHOULD BE ON TOP,..I HOPE MY VOTE COULD HELP.., PUSH IT UP!!..I VOTED YOU BRO,.. may i lend you a single minute to check my track " ALgoRHYTHMZ - Sub-Merged ".,and ALSO could i REPOST this track on my SOUNDCLOUD? its nice to have like this..just message me ..thanks bro,,,,see you there.
Diego Rocha
7 years ago
very good work, excellent sound I like your new track '' vote for you do not forget to check my new track''Unlimited'' vote for me ¡good vibes friend!
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