This track is made especially for all people who are trapped in a nine to five job and completely break the hard work, here is a hard bass line with an incredible vocal cry from Lola Love.

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Nick Jansens
6 years ago
Nice work!! Voted! I'll be super happy if you'll vote for my new track "The Truth". Thanks bro.
6 years ago
Voted,i hope you vote back for my new track"GOOD FEELING"🙏
6 years ago
amazing! voted! pls listen and vote my new remix "tesla"!.
6 years ago
Great idea! Nice vibe! I like the song!!! Voted, but I think the drop needs to get bigger! Feel free to listen to my new track "Tomorrow"!
6 years ago
HEY CAESAR,I really like your vibe! ABSOLUTELY VOTED AND FOLLOW YOU!! Write me on Souncloud cause i'm looking for a COLLAB!! Check my last track to see if you like my genre!! and if you like it maybe vote me back!! THANK YOU!! =)
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