Didn't notice there was a remix competition for this track until last weekend but nonetheless hope whoever listens enjoys More bass house than future house Thanks!

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5 years ago
Very well produced. I would have sped it up to at least 126. VOTED! Take a listen to mine and let me know what you think. Click LIKE if you like it.
Callum Curley
5 years ago
Hey man, thank you. Shit I forgot to do this I’m going to take it down an re upload it looool I’ll listen to yours
5 years ago
Wow, nice drop! If you don't mind, please listen to my remix and vote for me! I voted:)
lady anto'
5 years ago
Amazing Remix , really love it, Good Vibe !!! Please let me know what you think of my Remix (VIZIATA - \/Z/\ ) Thanks and Good Luck.
Ced Rak
5 years ago
This is not bad, nice remix bro! Could have a better mix, but you have my vote! Good luck with the contest! If you have some time, it would be kind if you check my latest track "Step By Step", thanks!
Callum Curley
5 years ago
Thanks! Will do
Static Display
5 years ago
Great remix! love when the bass comes in in the buld! sick drop! voted!
Callum Curley
5 years ago
Thanks so much!
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