My first Track is out now, I hope you like it and share it.
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Angelo Pic
8 years ago
hello track amazing !
voted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please help me by voting my remix Oliver Heldsen ft Ida Corr Good Life THANK YOU!!!!
keep it up!!!!
I wish you the best and to get to the top !!!!!
good luck!!!!
your new friend
Angelo Pic
8 years ago
Nice track.
Please vote for my remix ”Fade” & comment as you like.
Gianluca Cammarota
8 years ago
Awesome track bro! Very nice vibe!
I will follow you and vote your track 100% back, if you vote for my new single SNOBBISH !!!!!
Comment wich song(s) you want that I vote!
8 years ago
Love this sound Cedricbuser! Voted for sure. Please vote back for my latest track OVER!
Third Millennium
8 years ago
Hi, Cedricbuser
It's a nice idea man! but be sure that the kick is heard better in the mix by sjidechaining your instruments. Also be sure that all the other instruments suite together by testing out volume changes.
It's a really nice style! Keep going Man.
Please let me know what you think of my new track 'Skylines'
Third Millennium