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Highest rank 30

It is a combination, natural ambience, orchestral percussion, and slap house, creating a dreamy vibe

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4 years ago
Nice music...voted!!! Please check on my track LIFE and vote it if you like it...thanks!!!!
Heyy, Please chout out our latest track!! Voted for you ;)
DJ Jeffa
4 years ago
awesome track bro, really nice beat, you got my vote! If you got some time i would appreciate it if you could give me some feedback on my track "I like it"!!
Garrick Mackauer
4 years ago
Great sound in your music I immediately click on the button "Vote". Because it costs it Successes and good luck to you) Vote if it's not hard, for my music "Fat Blow"
4 years ago
Super chill man! You got my vote!
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