Hardwell & KSHMR, remix by: Chris Krystal
A very Powerful remix of an already Powerful song. Had a few ideas for this song, but I settled on this one. What do you think? Follow me on FB--->www.facebook.com/krystalmusic/ SC--->https://soundcloud.com/chris-krystal YT--->www.youtube.com/channel/UCT7B_2wE_Yv-LbojJRqsttQ
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Pranav and Ganesh
7 years ago
Nice build up....!! Drop is good VOTED ALSO CHECK OUT MY REMIX TOO
7 years ago
Nuildup and drop sound really cool and unique, voted!!
Ro Revrock
7 years ago
voted !
please vote for vote....
i've got a new track on soundcloud called: Ocean
it's a great electro house tune beauty from Rorevrock ...
This Track Is Out Now on dj tunes
hope you will like and share it.
vote for me and leave a comment, i will vote back if you comment and have voted for me. ´´´´.....
James Holland
7 years ago
Hey there. I've left a vote for your track. Could you vote back for my latest track, "Stay" please? Thank you!
Max Madd
7 years ago
Hey Chris, I voted! Take a second to follow my Soundcloud : maxmaddmusic
Good luck!