Vote x Vote
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6 years ago
Hi Bro....
Voted in your music * Surfing Star*
Following in your networks.....
Can I ask for your vote?
I'm re-releasing this song, year 2017, I hope you enjoy it
If you like, vote, leave msg and follow me on my social networks.
I hug whole
4 ᴀ ǫ ɪ ʙ ᴍ
6 years ago
Hey its amazing , i don't have words.
i just wanna say u did a really awesome work . Specially when the track is on its full mood.
voted and supported.
i don't force u to vote for my track instead i want you to listen my track then you decide what to do.
Aaqib M..
6 years ago
I listen your track and its great. Good work
You have my support and my vote
listenmy track "WGR and give me your feed!
If you like vote for me and support me!
Peter Pinehiller
6 years ago
voted! vote back my new tracks RITMO & LOVESONG! Thanks!
6 years ago
Voted,please vote for my new track "I get knock down"Goodluck!!!