Highest rank 243

Suggested label: Spinnin' Talent Pool

D.E.S - Wax Listen on: https://soundcloud.com/elropunk/ https://vk.com/audios-195706265?secti... https://promodj.com/.des Follow Me: Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/elropunk VK: https://vk.com/club195706265 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/facesindust... FB: https://www.facebook.com/industrialfaces https://promodj.com/.des Written By D.E.S #edm #music #elctronicmusic #techno #track #newmusic #dance #dancemusic #D_E_S

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2 years ago
Original and unique sound. The slow tempo really suits it, it sort of creeps up and around you. All sounds used work so well together and cover the sound spectrum nicely. I have voted and hope you enjoy my track "CDP".
2 years ago
Hi dude, how you doing? I’m Alex, I was a dj/producer, but now, I teamed up with my staff to focus and use my influence and my followers, to promote new artists and fresh music on my Spotify playlist and my IG, making it easier for them to reach out for labels and new listeners. I made a selection of artists and your music sounds interesting to me! MEANWHILE THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION, LET YOU MY VOTE FOR YOUR DEMO! Text me back if you’re interested for more infos at: alexkasedj@gmail.com