Trance Anthems 64 - Shockwave
Highest rank 166

The new episode of the trance anthems number 64th!

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8 years ago
Wicked track man, you have my vote and support ! I would appreciate it if you could vote for my house track "Clockwork" as well :) Good luck in the pool !
8 years ago
GREAT SONG You've got my vote PLESE vote back my new song "UPGRADE" PLEASE!!!!!
8 years ago
hey bro this is good!! i voted for you :) hope my vote helps you in your way up!! :) btw if u dont mind please vote my song "Another Night" in the mike williams contest :) (1st song in my profile, i always vote back too) :D
8 years ago
Very good track ! Full support ! Just voted ! Please vote back for my new remix "Another Night" if you like ! ;)
8 years ago
hey d-hun you amaze me with your music its great you made it so creative I appreciate your work keep it up and I will wait for your another tracks also voted your track and follow you for support plz vote my track "good Life" I hope you will like it thank you.
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