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4 years ago
A very worthy track to win! I wish you good luck! Voted.
please vote for my track "Drown"
4 years ago
Great track man!!!!! voted definetly
The drops is really good, i love the melodies!!!!!!
Please check out my track Dystopia....
I really need some feedback and advice!!!!!
We can help each other to grow like producer!!!!
Andrew Terpo
4 years ago
Nice track! Please listen and vote to my new remix of Lucas & Steve - I Want It All and if you want follow me!
Thanks so much!!
Calm Winds
4 years ago
Hey man! Lovin the track ...!
you have my vote bro!
I uploaded a track as well called =
Calm Winds - Never (Original Mix)
It would be so generous if I had
your feedback and maybe a vote if you liked it ?
Thanks a lot!
All good for you
4 years ago
Sick bro!