Hello everyone! My name is Daniel Bohen, and I'm back with a new song. This is the first time I've made a track with my own vocals! The first time I tried singing. So take a listen to this love song and let me know what you think. And if you liked it, please give me a vote. Have a good day!:) Follow me for more: WWW.SOUNDCLOUD.COM/DANIELBOHEN WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DANIELBOHEN WWW.INSTAGRAM.COM/DANIELBOHEN WWW.TWITTER.COM/DJDANIELBOHEN

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Julyan Jerome
8 years ago
Voted! Please support me back by listening to my latest track ´ Misbehaving´ (My Profile> Tracks> Misbehaving) and maybe even let me know what you think about it. That will help me a lot for my next project. Thank you!
Peter K_K
8 years ago
Hi ! Nice Track , VOTED ! Could you vote back on my track KAC - Africa on ADE contest ? I will be grateful ;) Thanks ! ;)
8 years ago
Voted!!! Great work bro! Vote also for my track 'INTEVOLENCE'
Michael Bravo
8 years ago
I loved this drop, sounds interesting and catchy! Voted. It would be cool if you give feedback on my track "Glare" and vote if you like it.
Freshdance project
8 years ago
Hi !!Voted!!Vote also for our track Freshdance project -Id
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