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Julyan Jerome
8 years ago
Please support me back by listening to my latest track ´ Misbehaving´ (My Profile> Tracks> Misbehaving) and maybe even let me know what you think about it. That will help me a lot for my next project.
Thank you!
Marky V-lectro
8 years ago
Epic track, DapeSynth! Please check out my tracks as well. Thanks! ... All the best!
8 years ago
Good Track !
Check out my contest track
Feel free to vote back :)
Good luck :)
8 years ago
Nice track! Think you could check out mine too? It's called Earth, Wind & Fire and it's in my contest tab.
Thanks! ??
Alco Vega
8 years ago
Voted! Thanks to vote back if you like my track!