I made this track with the Evolution of sound Vocal pack :) Follow me on soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/darca-music/ Twitter https://twitter.com/Darca_
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8 years ago
hey man!good job ,voted ,please listen my track young and voted
Oscar Arrigo
8 years ago
Really like this style, it sounds quiet good Darca! VOTED (You can check it)
Please vote back if it's possible ;)
Peter Pinehiller
8 years ago
qvoted! vote back my FOLLOW THE RIVER (coming next week on Spotify)! check out my SPOTIFY-PETER PINEHILLER PLEASURE!thanks! my new IMAGINE!!q
Angelo Pic
8 years ago
Woow !!!!
Great track
Voted and supported!!!!!!!!!
Listen and vote on my track Armageddon
Thank you!
I wish you the best!
good luck!
8 years ago
HI DARCA! Sonds good for me! Voted for you! Please Check out my track 24 actions, and if you like it,can you vote it! Hope to see you in top!