Jay Hardway & Mesto - Save Me (Dead Eyes Remix)
Highest rank 225

Follow Jay Hardway: facebook.com/JayHardwayOfficial twitter.com/JayHardway Follow Mesto www.facebook.com/djMesto twitter.com/mestomusic @mestomusic

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6 years ago
ngl thats straight fire
Lei music
6 years ago
Hey bro!nice work!I really appreciate what you doing!just keep up!Someday you will succeed! voted!pls vote back!THXXX!!!!
6 years ago
Voted!)) Nice work dude! Can u voted for my track "Rasengan" too please?
6 years ago
yo dead eyes, finished listening to your new song, solid work my dude, i feel like the groove was very solid throughout, great pulse. and your main groove was catchy af, keep up the grind dude, love to hear what you do next, leaving you a vote, good luck! Let me know if you ever need feedback or anything, just hit me up on my SC. If you got time, can you check out my last track, “find yourself” its a 8-bit/house mix influenced by an Avicii song (can you guess which song? ill follow you on SC if you get it right :D!) - let me know what you think and leave a vote please!
6 years ago
voted !! I heard your Remix Track "Save Me" If you do not mind, Will you listen and vote to my last track "Total Eclipse" ? Thanks
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