Cash shit (prod by omnibeats)
Highest rank 393

Thank you all and enjoy my aim is to serve with my music

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5 years ago
Thanks gees
5 years ago
Deekruz this is amazing! amazing melodies and chords. I liked the mix, it's sounds very clean and also great sound design bro, keep great work! Also, could you give some support to my latest track Fly Away, thanks!
Kenshin Trickster
5 years ago
Hello DEEKRUZ, Great Work, you got my vote!! Please, Check it out and give me yor vote in my Remix”MAKE YOU HAPPY” Cheers
5 years ago
Great work! Voted!! Can you vote for DRN - MIND CONTROL
dj deimos
5 years ago
good job,i like,voted for you,if you can see my track "FREE WILL" thanks and good luck...
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