Piñata (a Different Remix)
Throttle & Niko The Kid, remix by: Different
I hope you like my remix and give me your vote - Stay Different
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7 years ago
Nice song bro, some nice spanish vibe, voted
If you want please go and vote my trac "The Next Jeffysode"
Teen Wackies
7 years ago
Amazing remix! VOTED!
7 years ago
Thatks! your not one of those who just want a vote back! i appreciate that<3
James Holland
7 years ago
Hi there! I have left a vote for your track. Could you vote back for my latest track, "Stay" please? Thank you.
Math Cost
7 years ago
Hi Bro ! Great track ! 😜 I vote for you.
Could you vote for my song with TROBI please ? 🙏🏼
If you like it, Follow me on SoundCloud, and I'll follow you ! :P
Peter Pinehiller
7 years ago
voted! vote back my EVERLASTING! thanks! follow my SPOTIFY! thanks!