Highest rank 169


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6 years ago
AMD, Very interesting track. You have my support. Voted! I would be delighted to receive your feedback and/or vote support for my track: "RHYMING SUNSHINE". Best of luck. Cheers!
Mike Shadow
6 years ago
Heyyy Wow Old good track this is burning, you have my vote bro, if it is not too bad you could vote for my last track ¨Kamikaze¨ which would be great to have support, I thank you and thank you brother, luck in your ranking;;:;
6 years ago
voted !! I heard your music "MILK" My music is very unstable in low frequencies, You are wonderful in that part. I think I should learn ... If you do not mind, Will you listen and vote to my last track "Moombah Step"? Thanks
6 years ago
Great Job! Supported &voted. Please vote back on my new track "Together" Thanks and good luck!
6 years ago
Hi bro, good track for which I voted, please vote for my new track SB-City Lights
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