Highest rank 213

I was playing around with melodies one day and found a reeaally sad sounding one, so I was like 'Yah, this could be a track'. So, yeah.

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Ninja Party
5 years ago
nice one DISPHING voted! I vote for you, you vote for me so we can become a top 3! :)
5 years ago
yo disphin, wow dude, that’s some pretty good stuff you got made. Those drums were tight too, held that groove together nicely, and love the way the track flows, really hits just right. Prob one of the better ones I’ve heard on here. You definitely deserve to be up top here, and hope my vote helps my dude, keep up the great freaking work ! Hmu on SC/IG if you ever wanna chat about music/trade feedback too! Also If you got time, check out my last track, Glimmer? Its an 8bit/future mix - could use some feedback from someone like you, and vote if you like :) ? Appreciate you!
5 years ago
I like what I hear! I voted & you got my support! We all want exposure on this platform so why don't you take a look and send some love & feedback on my latest track ”ALONE”, an emotional track with lots of synth and pluck layers with a Matisse&Sadko style but blended with my own style of production. I hope you’ll like it Stay awesome and creative. See you at the top! Thanks!
5 years ago
Super job! 👍👍👍 Great sound project! 👍👍👍 Congrats..,! I VOTED FOR YOU, If you vote on my NEW track-"PARA TE AMAR" i give you suport on Soundcloud and Youtube. Follow me on Twitter: @lusitany I accept followers / friends on facebook typing: Nelo Costa (Lusitany) Thank you in advance if you share my music. ☀️👍,. for your comments and likes on Soundcloud and Youtube... If you want, subscribe to my youtube channel to see when my new songs and videos come out. Good luck!
Blexxter ♩
5 years ago
Your song is good, I especially like the bass, you have my vote, I would appreciate it if you listen to my single ‘Star Heart’ I would appreciate it!
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