This is my first hybrid trap, and i hope to like you!
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8 years ago
...GROOVY!! got my VOTE!! ..may i lend you a single minute to check my track " ALgoRHYTHMZ - Sub-Merged " please give some FEEDBACK its my pleasure having comments and suggestions from a producer like you bro...,and ALSO could i REPOST this track on my SOUNDCLOUD? its nice to have like this..just message me ..thanks bro,,,,see you there. ALgoRHYTHMZ.
Peter Pinehiller
8 years ago
voted! vote back my TIME TO TAKE CONTROL! thanks! now over 17,6k soundcloud plays!follow my spotify! ok? my new track Give me more!w
8 years ago
great track I like a good mixing and mastering and sound , I voted, if You don't mind, could you evaluate my track acceleration, and optionally leave a comment I will be very pleased
MonstatracK music
8 years ago
voted and full support
please check my new remix ''Faded MonstamiX'' and if you like, vote me
8 years ago
Great track! voted for you,
Anyone who listens and votes my recent track "Lights in Motion" will get a vote (and follow) back!
Thanks and good luck!